Stable Tokens' Transfers on Base

(USDbC) Daily transfers, 7d

Information on the number of daily token transfers for USDbC tokens in the past seven days.

(axlUSDC) Daily transfers, 7d

Information on the number of daily token transfers for axlUSDC tokens in the past seven days.

(DAI) Daily transfers, 7d

Information on the number of daily token transfers for DAI tokens in the past seven days.

(USDbC) daily transfers (senders vs receivers)

Information about daily transfer data for USDbC tokens, including unique sender and receiver addresses over the past seven days.

(axlUSDC) daily transfers (senders vs receivers)

Information about daily transfer data for axlUSDC tokens, including unique sender and receiver addresses over the past seven days.

(DAI) daily transfers (senders vs receivers)

Information about daily transfer data for DAI tokens, including unique sender and receiver addresses over the past seven days.